How to be more assertive: Assertiveness is a personality trait that helps you express yourself effectively and confidently. It enables people to understand where exactly you stand and what your boundaries are while having conversations. While being assertive comes inherently to some people, it can be a battle for others.
People with low self-esteem often struggle with being assertive. However, it can be learned with time. In this article, we will share a few points with the help of which you can become more assertive.
How to be more assertive:
If you are struggling with making yourself assertive, the good news is there are many ways with the help that you can change it. Being assertive is a personality trait that can be learned with time. Below mentioned are some ways you can do that.
Learn to say no
One of the top personality traits of people (non-assertive) is that they often struggle with saying no, even when their boundaries are broken. Learning to say no respectfully and firmly helps to maintain your limitations with people. While saying no, remember that an explanation is not always needed. Simply saying, “No, I can’t fulfill your request,” or “No, I do not have time for that right now” is sufficient. As per research, simply saying no can boost your assertiveness and enhance your mental health.
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Practice makes perfect
Assertiveness is a skill that can help you in all communications. If you are learning to be assertive for a certain reason, let us say to be more identified at work, you should practice skills that sharpen assertiveness all the time, also when you are not at work.
Keep a journal
Keeping a journal gives you more understanding of how you think and behave. Many non-assertive people do not even recognize that they are not assertive. They encounter frustrations communicating their desires and requirements but do not realize the reason. While journaling, you should seek to answer questions such as:
- Am I facing a problem speaking to people in superior positions?
- Am I able to communicate dissatisfaction?
- Are people hearing me when I speak and responding accordingly?
Take professional help
In certain illustrations, there might be an underlying reason for your nonassertiveness. This can be either stress, fear, or a mental health condition. A qualified therapist can help you discover the main root cause and help you with the tools to manage it.
Start small but be consistent
Being assertive in your regular life will get you on your way to becoming an inherently assertive person. The possibility of suddenly becoming an outspoken person can be difficult so start small. Communicate inconveniences you would typically encounter in a polite but firm way. Do this consistently and watch yourself become inherently assertive.
Let your body speak
Body language is a versatile language. You can communicate a lot of unspoken words with the help of your body. While speaking, stand upright with your head kept high and maintain eye contact with the person you are talking to communicate with confidence.