Signs of a vulnerable narcissist: Vulnerable narcissists, also known are entirely the opposite of what you may think when you hear the word narcissist. Unlike other common types of narcissists, vulnerable narcissists are sensitive, introverted, and struggle with anxiety and shame. Also, vulnerable narcissists sometimes abandon themselves to feel accepted by others. High emotional volatility can also display by vulnerable narcissists and default to blaming others in every situation.
Signs of a vulnerable narcissist:
Facing difficulty in handling criticism
People who suffer from narcissistic vulnerability often have problems accepting criticism, even when it is productive. They may become defensive when faced with any kind of criticism.
Want constant praise
Vulnerable narcissists often require an extreme amount of attention and validation from others to feel fine about themselves. This requirement for external assurance can lead to feelings of insecurity and fear if they fail to receive the attention they crave.
Lack of self-awareness
People with narcissistic vulnerability often struggle to recognize their feelings and requirements. This lack of transparency about their own identity can lead to feelings of chaos and void that can be challenging to overcome.
Manipulative tendencies
The narcissistic vulnerability personality may frequently use manipulation as a way to get what they want out of situations. They may try to manipulate people into giving them what they want by using blame or shame as power.
Inability to empathize
A common characteristic among vulnerable narcissists is an incapacity to put themselves in another person’s shoes and understand how their actions might affect someone else emotionally.
Difficulty in forming relationships
Because vulnerable narcissists focus too much on themselves, they often find it difficult to form meaningful relationships with other people. This incapability to connect with others can leave them feeling, lonely, and misunderstood.
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Controlling behavior
Such individuals may desperately try to control every part of their lives, including other people’s lives. They may attempt to manage everything from conversations to activities.
Vulnerable narcissists often feel jealous of the people around them. This can lead to negative comparisons and competitive behavior that may make it hard to keep healthy relationships.
Difficulty in trusting others
Such people often have trouble trusting people, even those that are close to them. They may be doubtful of others’ motives, leading them to keep people at a distance to protect themselves from possible hurt. These feelings of doubt can stop them from creating meaningful connections with others.
Blaming others
When things do not go their way, such people may try to blame everyone else rather than look within themselves for answers as to why things did not turn out the way they wanted.
Poor boundaries
Individuals with this condition face problems with setting healthy boundaries between themselves and other people. This incapacity leads them into situations where their needs are not taken care of which can cause conflict over time.
Fear of defection
Such people may become overly possessive to prevent others from leaving them. This kind of behavior can be very dangerous and hard to break out of without proper support.