Sign of damage kidney: World Kidney Day: Signs that show the kidney is getting worse, do these things first as soon as you see the symptoms. World Kidney Day is celebrated every year on 10 March. On this day, workshops are organized around the world to spread awareness about kidney disease and promote kidney health.
Sign of damage kidney: World Kidney Day. You will get to know about this in today’s article. The kidney is the most critical organ of the body. In today’s time, kidney disease has increased a lot. So, it is crucial to take care of kidney health.
World Kidney Day
World Kidney Day is celebrated on 10 March. It is celebrated to create awareness about kidney damage factors, kidney-related diseases, and how to keep them healthy. The kidney is like a bean seed. It is the most important part of the body, so it is important to take care of kidney health.
Kidneys work in different ways in the body. Its main function is to filter and remove waste material, excess water, and impurities from the blood. After filtering, all these waste products get deposited in the bladder and later come out through urine.
Many factors are responsible for kidney health. Many people come to know about the kidney problem very late, and by then their kidney has already been damaged. But there are some signs, with the help of which kidney health can be detected early.
Symptoms of kidney disease
In the early stages of kidney disease, there may be some symptoms, which may seem normal to you. Generally, in kidney disease, an attempt is made to find out the cause, and remove it. As kidney damage increases, so do the symptoms of kidney disease.
During this, a lot of waste materials or electrolytes can be formed in the body, which starts acting like a poison. These symptoms may occur at the beginning of kidney disease, which may increase with time.
Sign of damage kidney
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Loss of appetite
- Fatigue-weakness
- Sleep deprivation
- Frequent urination
- Inability to focus
- Muscle cramps
- Swelling in the feet and ankles
- Dry skin
- High blood pressure
- Shortness of breath
- Chest pain
Causes of kidney disease
Symptoms of kidney disease can also be due to some other disease. Therefore, the appearance of these symptoms does not mean that if someone is showing these symptoms, then he has a kidney problem. It might also be a symptom of some other disease. For the right information about this, consult a doctor.
Kidney disease occurs when a disease interferes with the functioning of the kidney. Due to this kidney starts getting damaged with time. There can be many reasons for having kidney disease.
- Type 1 or type 2 diabetes
- High blood pressure
- Polycystic kidney disease
- Hereditary kidney disease
- Enlarged prostate
- Kidney stone problem
- Inflammation of the filtering component of the kidney (glomerulonephritis)
- Inflammation in and around the kidney tubes (interstitial nephritis)
- Certain cancer-like conditions in which urine stagnates
- vesicoureteral condition in which urine backs up into the kidney
- Kidney infection i.e. Pyelonephritis
There are certain factors, which can increase kidney disease
- Diabetes
- High blood pressure
- Heart disease
- Smoking
- Obesity
- Older age
- Repeated use of drugs
- Abnormal kidney structure
- Family history
When to see a doctor
If someone is showing symptoms of kidney disease for a long time, then he should contact the doctor. This way kidney failure can be prevented.
If you have any medical condition as mentioned above, which increases the risk of kidney failure, then discuss it with the doctor, he will ask you to take some tests like urine test, blood test, etc. with the help of which it can be found out.