Weight loss myth: If you are trying to reduce weight but not getting anywhere. It may be because you are falling into common misconceptions about weight loss.
So much is said about losing weight that it can be difficult to sort fact from fantasy.
Weight loss myth:
An extreme exercise regime is the only way to lose weight
It is not at all true. Successful weight loss involves making little changes that you can stay with for a long time. That means being more physically active in your everyday routine. Adults should get at least 140 minutes of physical activity, such as fast walking or cycling and those who are overweight are likely to need more than this to reduce weight.
To lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you take. This can be accomplished by eating less, pushing yourself to exercise more, or, best of all, a combination of both.
Healthier foods are more expensive
It may seem that healthier foods are more expensive than their unhealthier options. However, if you try substituting ingredients with healthier options, you will presumably find your meals will cost less.
Carbs make you put on weight
Carbs taken in the correct quantities and as part of a balanced diet will not lead to weight gain. Eat whole grain and wholemeal carbohydrates such as brown rice and wholemeal bread, and potatoes with the skins on to increase your intake of fiber, and avoid frying starchy foods while trying to reduce weight.
Also Read: Disadvantages of drinking lemon water daily.
Starving yourself is the most suitable way to lose weight
Crash diets are doubtful to result in long-term weight loss. They can sometimes direct to longer-term weight gain. The main problem is that this type of diet is too difficult to maintain. You may also be missing out on crucial nutrients as crash diets can be restricted in the variety of food consumed. Your body will be low on energy which may cause you to crave high-fat and high-sugar foods. This can lead to eating those foods and more calories than you need end up causing weight gain.
Having some foods will speed up your metabolism
Metabolism describes all the chemical processes that go on constantly inside the body to keep you active and alive and your organs functioning normally, such as repairing cells, breathing, and digesting food. These processes need energy and the energy required varies between individuals depending on factors such as age, gender, body size, and genes. It is proclaimed that specific foods and drinks can increase your metabolism by helping your body to burn more calories and help with weight loss. There is hardly any scientific evidence for this. Know that some of these products may contain high tiers of caffeine and sugar.
Cutting snacks from your diet can help you lose weight
Snacking is not the problem it is what type of snack you eat. Numerous people need a snack in-between meals to keep energy levels, especially if they have an active life. So, pick fruit or vegetables instead of junk food, chocolate, and other snacks that are high in salt, sugar, salt, and fat.