Signs of being used in a relationship: Manipulators often use strategies that make it hard to spot when you are being used. If you believe you may be being manipulated by a friend, partner, or family member, we will share a few signs to look out for if you have been used in a relationship.
So, how exactly do you know if you are being used? The signs can be more or less modest, so it’s necessary to be familiar with them.
Signs of being used in a relationship:
You do not feel equal
An unequal relationship is one of the most common signs that you are being used. A loving and devoted relationship is a space where both parties pull their weight financially, emotionally, and physically. You may question that you are being used if the other person always seems to take but they do not give back, or if they do give back but it feels as if they are doing you a rage. You can tell their perspective is not genuine.
One-way boundaries
When you feel limitations only seems to work one way in the relationship. For example, you seem to share everything with your partner, but your partner might put filters while sharing things with you.
They show you off, but something does not feel right
People who see relationships as a way to use others may only show you off when it serves them, and it may be clear enough to make you sense something is wrong.
Also Read: How to create a healthy space in a relationship?
They hardly stay available for you
We can all be busy from time to time or too engrossed in our problems, but in a true and equal relationship, we always try our best to make time for the other person. With manipulators, you may feel they are never really present even when you are together.
You feel bad about saying no
Some people are emotional manipulators to such an extent that they will make you feel awkward saying no to them. There is always give and take in relationships, but you should be able to say yes or no freely and without fearing possible consequences.
They do not keep their promises
Manipulators after agreeing to do something find excuses to get out of activities and plans and break the promises. Even worse, you do not feel pleased confronting them about their misdeeds.
Something does not feel right with them
Nowadays, we are all a bit separated from powerful and useful primal instincts, such as our gut feel. So when something does not feel right, we do not know how to solve it.
The language they use
This seems an unimportant point, but language can tell you a lot about how a person feels about you. There is a big difference between saying “I took you out for dinner” and “we went out for dinner”. The first suggests you do not count and you are being used, whereas the second suggests you are both in the relationship as equal associates.