Physical signs of anxiety: From inside to outside the body anxiety can have multiple physical effects on the body. Living with anxiety can affect your health in different ways, and some are more specific than others. For example, you might find that anxiety causes you to stay away from your loved ones. But physical symptoms of anxiety such as nausea, and stomach pain, could be the reason you might isolate yourself from other people. Also, other common mental anxiety symptoms such as worry, fatigue, and problem concentrating can be linked to physical anxiety signs. You might react emotionally because of how anxiety feels inside. You might also find it harder to focus and concentrate because anxiety is making it too uncomfortable to stay in your body.
Physical signs of anxiety:
Headaches are expected among people who have anxiety. Migraines, chronic headaches daily, and aura were all extremely more dominant among people with anxiety than those without it. To handle this symptom, you might need to feel taking a hot or cold shower or gently massage your muscles. Stress management practices like meditation can also help control anxiety-induced headaches.
Digestive issues
Stress can delay digestion, as well as cause pain, bloating, and constipation. Sometimes, anxiety can also speed up digestion and induce diarrhea. Adding to this, stress can heighten digestive conditions such as stomach ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome.
Also Read: Reasons for feeling tired all the time.
Heart issues
When you are feeling nervous, your body is more likely to respond in ways that affect the health of your heart. Anxiety may have an association with the following heart conditions and symptoms such as rapid heart rate, palpitations, and increased blood pressure.
Decreasing the amount of caffeine, tobacco, and alcohol you consume can also greatly enhance the cardiac symptoms you feel with anxiety.
Low energy
Because fatigue is so subjective, the link between exhaustion and stress is not clearly understood. Fatigue is sensible strongly associated with mental health conditions, like anxiety, and depression.
While there is no perfect remedy to beat fatigue, addressing your anxiety can help. In addition, getting enough sleep, adding movement into your day, and eating foods that make you feel good can help.
Breathing difficulties
A common symptom of anxiety is rapid breathing, and this can generate sharp chest pain that sometimes happens with anxiety. As per research, even just deep breathing can have a significant effect on this sign. So if you are feeling short of breath because of anxiety, taking a few moments to practice some deep breathing can make a distinction.
At the end
Anxiety disorders are distinguished by strong feelings of worry that impact your well-being and everyday functioning. Severe anxiety often leads to shifts in behavior. Anxiety feels very undesirable, so people tend to avoid situations that might cause their anxiety. Symptoms of anxiety arise when the body feels under threat. Hormones like adrenaline and cortisol accumulate to prepare the body for action, which makes the heart pump faster, speeds up our breathing, and readies our muscles for movement.