Interesting facts about science: Science is such a subject about the more it is read, the less it is. It is only through science that we come to know about the principle of objects and their properties. There are some such fun and amazingly interesting facts related to science in our universe, that you might have neither read nor heard before. So let us tell you some interesting facts about science, which are quite interesting, funny, and surprising.
Interesting facts about science:
- You will be surprised to know that the temperature of lightning falling from the sky is five times higher than the temperature of the Sun.
- The planet Jupiter is so big that it can contain all the planets of the solar system.
- According to research, 80% of the forests on the earth have been destroyed and still, people are engaged in destroying them.
- The pregnancy period in an elephant is about 22 months.
- Human is the only animal that enjoys spicy food.
- Octomom is the only creature on earth that has three hearts.
- Do you know that hot water is heavier than cold water?
Every year about 1000 people die due to electrocution.
- Vitamin B12 is found in rainwater falling from the sky, which is beneficial for our bodies.
- According to a scientific survey, the age of the Earth is 4 to 5 billion years, and the Sun and the Moon are also about the same age.
- The ability of a dog to smell is 1000 times more than that of humans.
- The black spider eats the male spider after mating.
- Do you know that it takes 8 minutes and 20 seconds for sunlight to reach the earth?
- When the moon is directly above your head, you lose a little weight. 1
- The owl is the only bird among all the birds, which can see the blue color.
- You will be surprised to know that a duck can never walk without moving its head.
- Honey is such a food item that does not spoil for several thousand years and remains edible.
- The skin of our body changes about 900 times in our whole life.
- We spend about twenty-five years of our life sleeping only.
- It is believed that if you smoke one cigarette then your life is reduced by 11 days.
- The most powerful muscle in our body is the tongue.
- You will be surprised to know that the nails of the feet grow less than the fingernails of the hand.
- When a child is born it has 300 bones and when it is young only 206 bones are left in it.
You will be surprised to know that every year the burden of about 76 lakh people increases on the earth.
- About one-third of the entire surface of the world is surrounded by deserts.
Also Read: Amazing Facts about history.
- Do you know that the size of the Sun is about 13 times bigger than the size of the Earth?
- You will be surprised to know that if there was no moon, then the day on earth would have been about 6 hours.
- In the whole world somewhere on this earth 10 to 20 volcanoes always erupt.
- Earth is the only planet in the entire solar system of the universe where a solar eclipse occurs.
- Our brain uses 20% of the total oxygen present in our body.
- According to scientists, one eye is strong and one eye is weak.
- Frogs mostly live in water but still, they do not drink water through their mouth they absorb water through their skin.
- In all mammals, the female mammal lives longer than the male.
- The line separating day and night on our earth is called the terminator.
- You will be surprised to know that the weight of human beings on this earth is as much as that of ants.
- The first atomic bomb in this world was made in the year 1945, its name was The Gadget.
- Do you know that glass also decomposes and it takes about four thousand years to decompose while plastic takes 450 years to decompose?
- You will be surprised to know that like us humans, trees and plants also recognize their siblings and take care of them.
- The footprints of astronauts made on the moon can remain there for about 100 million years because the moon has no atmosphere of its own.