How to stop letting others control your emotions: There comes a time when we allow other people let control our emotions. Such people can be our close friends or family member. But at some point in time, we realize that we are not doing right with ourselves. So, if you are also looking for ways to stop letting other people control your emotions, you have come to the right place. Today, in this article, we will share a few tips that will help you take back control of your emotions.
How to stop letting others control your emotions:
Maintain healthy boundaries
We all have some people in our life who will take our time, money, and space if we allow them to do so. It is essential to set healthy boundaries for yourself from such people. Say no to such people, speak up for yourself, and ask for what you need. When people break your boundaries, follow through with clear outcomes.
Take accountability for your emotions
Avoid blaming anyone else for making you feel guilty or bad about yourself. Take full accountability for how you feel. If someone is impacting your emotions in an unhelpful manner, take favorable action. Either change the situation or change how you react to the situation. Take a few deep breaths, rehearse using some positive self-talk and continue to engage in a difficult conversation.
Let other people be accountable for their emotions
Do not take on the burden of other people’s emotions. You can’t make everyone happy. While it is necessary to be aware of how your actions affect others, it is not up to you to control how other people feel.
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Live as per your values
You will care less about going ahead with the crowd, and you will be less concerned about other people’s opinions when you are clear on your values. Focus on the things that are most meaningful to you, and live accordingly. Even if it means you value your free time, you work long hours, you enjoy hobbies, or you practice your faith and spend time and energy on the things that are essential to you. When you are focused on your priorities, other people’s judgments will matter less.
Forgive, and move on
Holding onto a grudge decreases your life, not anyone else’s. Do not waste your precious time and energy outlining your past hurts and trying to punish someone else for the same. Know that forgiveness is not about saying what someone did was okay. Also, it does not mean you have to associate with them. Instead, forgiveness can mean letting go of the anger that is keeping you stuck so you can focus on more valuable things.
Do not try to prove other people wrong
Trying to prove people wrong honestly gives them power over you. Trying to prove to someone that you are better than they give you credit for is about them, not you. Keep your focus on goals that matter to you. If you surprise people along the way, believe it is a bonus rather than the main purpose.