How to love unconditionally: Unconditional love is the kind of love that we all want to experience. Sometimes learning how to love unconditionally can be hard when we have been raised with conditional love ourselves. Conditional love is something that we avoid because someone has expectations from us and loves us only when we meet those expectations. It is a disheartening experience. But the good news is, it is possible to learn how to love unconditionally, even if does not come unaffectedly.
How to love unconditionally:
Accept their flaws and shortcomings
When your partner or child does something that annoys you, or maybe when they make a mistake, it can be hard to love them through it. This is particularly true when their mistakes hurt you. But unconditional love is when you put your ego out of the way to be there for them through their mistake. This means, instead of getting angry, talk to them through their mistake.
Listen and validate them
Loving someone unconditionally often means listening to them without judgment. Practicing active listening is a perfect way to validate someone’s feelings and make them understand that all their feelings are okay.
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Avoid jealousy
Feeling jealous is natural human emotion. But it accumulates in the way of us having the most in-depth, meaningful relationships we can have. It’s standard for a person to feel jealous in romantic relationships. But avoid it is better to avoid jealousy to such an extent that it does not affect your relationship with your partner, children, or family.
Understand that love can sometimes feel uncomfortable
Connection and love require risk, vulnerability, and sometimes pain. Unconditional love requires us to get real, have hard conversations, and own up to the ways we impact others. But when we go through that discomfort, we come out to the other side with a deeper connection with another person.
Forgiveness and apologies are necessary for unconditional love
Forgiveness is one of the most difficult things that we can do. We live so much in the past that we fail to give someone else the chance to prove that they have grown and learned as a person. This is another way that we live in the ego. If you made a mistake in the past and did not realize the mistake at the time. it is okay and apologizes politely to the person. This tells the other person that your love for them is unconditional and this way, they will love you unconditionally too.
Be transparent
Transparency is the power to be real, open, and honest, about how we are feeling or what we are thinking at any given moment. Being transparent means that you need to first be open, honest, and real to yourself. Oftentimes, we lie to ourselves to smooth over something hard. But this only causes more disagreement. We have to be honest with ourselves first so that we can be honest with the people around us. And not only being honest but being ready to talk about such things.