How to calm the mind: Many of us live with a level of constant stress that becomes so normal that most of the time, we do not realize it is there. Therefore it is necessary to make time to clear our minds and bring some peace into our lives, even if we are not feeling extremely nervous. Below mentioned are some tips to keep your mind calm.
How to calm the mind:
Meditation has several positive effects on the mind and body. It is also challenging, and this is the reason why many people try it a few times but struggle to make it a regular habit. Meditation helps fight the emotional and physical effects of stress and has lasting benefits that increase your productivity, as well as your ability to rest.
Focus on gratefulness
When we are facing a series of challenges, it can be easy to focus on what is going wrong at the cost of witnessing what is going well. Even taking the time to write down just 3 things each day that we feel thankful for can help create a balanced outlook on our daily experience.
Notice self-criticism
While many of us fear judgment from others, the most drastic criticisms we experience are often self-created. Nothing stresses the mind like internal self-judgments and self-criticism, so pay attention to your thought habits and notice when your inner critic raises. Being aware of these thoughts as they occur is the first step toward replacing criticism with being calm.
Practice self-compassion
Once we can notice our self-criticisms at moment, we can practice self-compassion. This means accepting reality and developing the same kind of compassion for ourselves that we would a good friend in our situation.
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Distance yourself from negative self-talk
We can not stop ourselves from encountering negative self-talk and but we can keep ourselves away from them. Instead, try replacing them with positive thoughts.
Set routines
Setting routines might seem boring but it helps instill a day-to-day sense of calm in our minds. When we set routines, we have fewer decisions to make during the day. This releases up space in our minds for bigger, more essential tasks.
Keep a journal
Journaling is a wonderful way to get our opinions out of our heads and onto paper. Writing down our most critical thoughts and worries each day has an equal effect on talking to someone about them. By keeping a journal, you are giving yourself the chance to process your ideas and feelings and to express them in a safe, personal space.
Create a to-do list
Similar to journaling, writing down your jobs and projects helps clear your mind. If you find that different activities keep popping into your head and distracting you from the task at hand, a system like getting things done can help improve your productivity and calm your mind.
It is a well-known fact that exercise increases our sense of mental well-being. As per research, exercising for just 10 minutes can free endorphins, pain-killing chemicals that help generate a state of physical and mental peace.