- Coca-Cola used to be green in the beginning.
- Vatican City is the smallest country in the world, its area is 0.2 square miles and its population is about 770. None of them is their permanent citizen.
- Women spend almost one year of their life to decide what to wear.
- During the whole lifetime, you eat 70 different kinds of insects in sleep.
- Most serial killers of the world are born in November.
- “Rhythm” is the largest English word without a vowel.
- Every year there are two minutes in which there are 61 seconds.
- It is generally taught in classes that the speed of light is 3 lakh km / s but in reality, it is 2,99,792.
- On average, your hair grows up to 5 millimeters a day.
- Neil Armstrong was the first to put his left foot on the moon and at that time his heartbeat was 156 times per minute.
- Due to the gravity of the earth, the mountains can’t be higher than 15,000 meters.
- Cigarette lighters were discovered before matches.
- Like our fingerprints, the marks of our tongue are different.
- We have seen every single face in the dream once in our lifetime.
- Right-handed people live 9 years longer than left-handed people on average.
- We are about 1 cm taller in the morning than in the evening.
- Honey is the only food that does not spoil for thousands of years.
- If a line is drawn with the pencil of an average lead, it will be 35 kilometers long, from which 50,000 English words can be written.
- The number plate was never installed on the car of Steve Jobs The founder of Apple company.
- Some insects eat themselves if they do not get food.
- In humans, it takes about 25 years for the brain to fully develop while the lungs take 18 to 22 years to fully develop.
- When you lie, your nose gets hot.
- Butterflies taste with their feet.
- 1386 AD, a pig was hanged by people in France for the murder of a child.
- Human birth control pills also work on gorillas.
- A squirrel’s life age is 9 years old.
- The lizard’s heart beats 1000 times in 1 minute.
- An average human can’t lick his elbow.
- If you sneeze hard, you can break your rib.
- By applying headphones for just one hour, the number of bacteria in our ears increases 700 times.
- ‘TYPEWRITER’ is the longest word that is typed on the same line on the keyboard.
- ‘Uncopyrightable’ is the only 15-letter word in which no letter is repeated.
- Buttons of men’s shirts are on the right side while women are on the left side.
- There are 4 women out of 5 who reach the age of 100.
- Dogs and Cats are left or right-handed like humans.
- The smallest war in history took place between England and Zanzibar in 1896. In which, Zanzibar surrendered only after 38 minutes.
- Men lie 6 times a day, twice as much as women.
- On Mercury planet, 1 day is two years long.
- The world’s highest cricket ground is at a place called Chail in Himachal Pradesh. It was prepared in 1893 by leveling the land at an altitude of 2444 meters above sea level.
- The fingernail of the hand with which you write grows more quickly.
- Most of the dust particles present in your houses are of your dead skin.
- A normal person walks about 2 lakh kilometers in his entire lifetime.
- On average, every day 12 newly born children are given to other parents.
- In Iceland, keeping a pet dog is against the law.
- The brain can never feel the pain because the brain does not have pain receptors.
- Varanasi is the oldest and continuously growing city in the world.
- India was the richest country until the beginning of the 17th century before coming to British rule. Christopher Columbus, attracted by the wealth of India, went searching for a sea route to India and accidentally discovered America.
- Ants never sleep.
- Muhammad is the most common name in the world.
- Before sleeping, the last person who comes to your mind is the cause of your happiness or sorrow.
- In China, a 17-year-old boy sold his kidney for I pad2 and I phone.
- The weight of all ants on earth is as much as that of all humans.
- Women speak an average of 20,000 words every day, which is 13000 thousand more than the average of men.
- Octopus has three hearts.
- The brain of men is 10% larger than that of women.
- The brain of a human is so soft that you can also cut it with a butter knife.
- Only female mosquitoes suck your blood. Male mosquitoes only make sounds.
- Rome is the city in the world whose population first crossed the 10 lakh mark.
- Fish have a memory of only a few seconds.
- The parachute was discovered 1 century before the plane.
- Kangaroos cannot move upside down.
- Hot water converts to ice faster than cold water. This is called the Mpemba effect.
- A war was fought in Greek and Bulgaria only because a dog crossed their border.
- You will never remember where your dream started.
- Every year 4 people lose their lives while changing their pants.
- A person who eats meat continuously eats 7000 animals in his life.
- Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg created a website called Facemash while studying at the university, later it was renamed to Facebook.
- Your heart hits about 100,000 times a day.
- When tired, people answer more honestly.
- Around 25% of your body’s bones are in your feet.
- An average person laughs 10 times a day.
- People take the fastest decisions when they are playing video games.
- 90% of the people text things they can not say in person.
- On the keyboard, there are 60 times more germs than a toilet seat.
- No one can kill himself by holding his breath.