Mental Health benefits of traveling: Science also believes that traveling is beneficial for health, and many mental diseases are prevented. Who does not like traveling? But sometimes we avoid it due to lack of time and money.
Whereas for health, traveling after every few days can help in keeping you mentally and physically healthy. Yes, It’s Not Us, but a new cross-disciplinary paper from Edith Cowan University (ECU) proposes to change the way we look at tourism, not just as a recreational experience but as a part of mental health essentials.
A collaboration between ECU’s Center for Precision Health and the School of Business and Law found that many aspects of going on vacation can have a positive impact on people with mental health issues or conditions. Science also believes that traveling is beneficial for health.
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Traveling promotes public health and prevents mental diseases such as dementia. Also being in new environments and having new experiences can provide cognitive and sensory stimulation. Exercise has been linked to mental health and travel often leads to increased physical activity such as more walking.
Apart from this, it has a special effect on mental health, due to which both body and mind remain healthy. Plus the basics like fresh air and sunshine from walking increase vitamin D and serotonin levels. This reduces the mental problems associated with sleep and anxiety. Due to this, we stay away from various diseases like depression and Alzheimer’s.
Mental Health benefits of traveling:
Reduces the risk of depression
A study reported by the World Health Organization (WHO) found that at least 6.5% of the Indian population suffers from some form of severe mental disorder. So, traveling can help in fighting diseases like depression.
Reduces Stress
Traveling is an easy way out of chronic stress. Traveling stops the thoughts running in the mind and by seeing new places and meeting new people, a person feels better and forgets his stress. This leads to the production of happy hormones which helps in reducing stress hormones.
Boosts Brain and Immune Health
To be creative, it is very important to have an open mind. In such a situation, walking not only makes you creative but also helps in boosting your brain health. Along with this, it lowers your BP, keeps the heart healthy, keeps the stomach health right, and helps in increasing immunity. So, if you want long life and want to be happy and healthy then definitely travel from time to time.