How to reduce weight in the thyroid? Thyroid problems have become quite common these days. When thyroid hormone starts reducing then weight starts gaining. This condition is called hypothyroidism. If someone has gained weight due to hypothyroidism, then what tips should be followed to reduce it, we will tell about it in today’s article.
The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland located in the front part of the throat, i.e. near the collar bone. The most common cause of thyroid is autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD). A lot of problems related to weight are seen in thyroid patients. Weight gain reveals a low thyroid hormone, which is called hypothyroidism, and if the thyroid makes too much hormone in the body, then the weight starts decreasing too much. This is called hyperthyroidism. In the condition of hypothyroidism, metabolism slows down, and people with this condition have to work hard to lose weight.
According to the study, the risk of the thyroid is ten times higher in women than in men. If you also want to reduce the increased weight due to thyroid, then you can adopt the methods mentioned below.
How to reduce weight in the thyroid?
Cut Out Simple Carbs and Sugars
Patients with thyroid should not eat simple carbs and sugar. They should consume complex carbs like starchy vegetables, and legumes and should stop consuming sweet things. According to a study, foods with a high glycemic index (such as simple carb and sugary foods) can increase inflammation in the body. Due to prolonged swelling, the body will look bloated, and the weight will not be reduced.
Eat More Anti-Inflammatory Foods
Eating foods that reduce inflammation can help reduce joint pain and reduce inflammation. Along with this, anti-inflammatory foods also help in keeping the immune system good. An anti-inflammatory diet can help reduce inflammation in the immune system and the body. Hence, green leafy vegetables, and other food such as tomatoes, fatty fish, dry fruits, fruits, and olive oil can be consumed.
Stick to Small and Frequent Meals
People with thyroid should take small meals to lose weight. If you are taking short meals, then eat every 3-4 hours. Include protein, healthy fat, and complex carb foods in the diet. These will balance blood sugar and will also help in reducing weight.
Note down everything you eat
Make a note of your eating habits in a dairy, at least for a month. This will help you in taking a balanced diet. If someone is a patient with hypothyroidism, then by making a food journal, he will get to know how much protein, fat, and carb he has consumed. Always try to include healthy fat, high protein, and medium and low carbohydrate in the diet.
Increase Physical Activity
Exercising along with a healthy diet can help burn extra calories. For those who are suffering from hypothyroidism, exercise can be of great help in reducing weight. If a patient is taking a good diet and doing exercise, then it will help a lot in the thyroid.
Disclaimer: Before making changes in your diet, consult your doctor. Everyone’s body reacts differently to every diet. So, it is better to take advice from the doctor before starting anything new.